An investment of 24 million in the ’14. Oktobar’ factory in Kruševac, marking 101 years of existence

Kruševac – The company “14. Oktobar” from Kruševac celebrated its 101st anniversary in the presence of high-ranking officials from the Czech Republic and Serbia. A new investment was announced, which includes the construction of buildings and infrastructure within the existing factory complex, as well as the purchase of equipment and machinery to significantly increase production capacity, amounting to 24 million euros. In 2025, annual turnover is projected to reach 30 million euros, and the factory will employ 370 workers. For 2026, projects worth 42 million euros are planned, along with the creation of 50 new jobs. In 2027, an additional 70 million euros will be invested, creating another 50 new jobs.

The celebration was attended by the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Serbia, Bratislav Gašić, the Minister of Defence of the Slovak Republic, Mr. Robert Kaliňák, the Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to the Republic of Serbia, His Excellency Mr. Mihal Pavuk, and the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the Republic of Serbia, His Excellency Mr. Jan Bondi, as well as the leadership of the “Czechoslovak Group” – division director Jan Marinov and MSM Group director Miloslav Mahut.

“The discussions Minister Kaliňák and I had today, together with our associates, focused on bringing our defence industries closer together and enhancing the capacities and potential we can jointly create in the future. After many years of decline and its subsequent privatisation, we want to transform “14. Oktobar” into the factory it deserves to be—a factory that built and shaped our beautiful Kruševac. Generations who worked in this factory built Kruševac,” Gašić emphasised.

“There is no better day to visit this factory than 14th of October, the factory’s day and the Day of Kruševac’s Liberation. I have spent two pleasant days in Serbia and had extensive discussions with Minister Gašić, to whom I am grateful for his hospitality. We have identified several opportunities for potential cooperation. I believe that the Serbian military and Slovak defence industries have significant room for collaboration, and today’s talks with Minister Gašić are just the beginning of our future cooperation,” stated Slovakia’s Minister of Defence, Robert Kaliňák.

“The investment of 24 million euros represents an important step in advancing production and technological capacities, as we strive for the highest standards, increased production, and the development of new products that will position us globally. Through these investments, we are becoming more competitive on the global market, which is vital for the long-term sustainability of the factory. This also contributes to the local community and economy, while continuing to meet the needs of our partners and customers, maintaining the highest standards of quality and safety,” said Petar Miljković, General Director of the “14. Oktobar” factory.

Innovations, modern production processes, digitalisation, and automation enable them to remain competitive in the global market. They continuously invest in the development of their employees, which is key to long-term success.

About the Factory, Tradition, and Modernisation

In 2017, the “14. Oktobar” factory became part of the Czech company “Czechoslovak Group” and entered a new phase of modernisation and global expansion. With investments in equipment, the revitalisation of facilities, and workforce development, it is now capable of meeting the most demanding challenges of modern industry. Thanks to their commitment and quality, their delivery schedule is planned three years in advance, another testament to the trust of their business partners.

Today, “14. Oktobar” is a leader in the production of high-quality metal parts for a wide range of industrial needs, from civil machinery to military programmes. Since its founding, the company has undergone various stages of development, evolving from wagon repairs to modern industrial production of premium steel and metal products. They are recognised for their reliability and adherence to the highest quality standards. In addition to civil machinery and components for railway systems, the company has a significant military programme for the production of large-calibre ammunition, meeting the strictest international standards. The “14. Oktobar” factory combines tradition and innovation, delivering high-quality products that meet the most stringent industrial and environmental standards.

MSM Group

MSM Group is an industrial and technological holding that brings together traditional companies with a long history in the defence industry – ZVS Holding, VOP Nováky, Vývoj Martin, and FM Granada. These companies cover the entire lifecycle of ammunition, from development and production, through inspection and life extension, to deactivation and destruction. Additionally, they are involved in the development and production of defence equipment, including tank protection systems and specialised containers designed for the needs of armed forces. In the civilian sector, they specialise in the production of radar systems and mobile air traffic control towers. MSM Group is part of the multinational Czechoslovak Group (CSG), Defence Division. CSG encompasses the activities of hundreds of companies and trading enterprises headquartered across the globe.

Czechoslovak Group

The global industrial and technological company CSG, owned by Michal Strnad, has key manufacturing capacities in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Spain, Italy, India, the United Kingdom, and the United States, exporting its products worldwide. CSG continuously invests in the development of its companies while expanding its core business areas. The group includes the Czech manufacturer Tatra Trucks, the world’s leading small-calibre ammunition producer Fiocchi, and the Czech radar manufacturer Eldis. Companies within and associated with CSG employ over 10,000 workers. In 2023, the group’s consolidated sales reached 1.73 billion euros. CSG’s main industries are engineering, automotive, railways, aviation, defence, and small-calibre ammunition production. With a strong export orientation, CSG products are present on every continent.

The photos were provided by “14. Oktobar” and the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia.